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Old 08-25-2007, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by TC1
Originally Posted by quazimodem
Originally Posted by TC1
Good topic.
What I love about the Mogul is the Sprint SERO plan, which includes unlimited data (not like Verizon's pseudo unlimited capped data, lol). Becausee of that I can:
You know TC1, I've known about SERO for a while now and I had a hard time believing it. I was always thinking that somewhere, there is a "catch" to that deal and specifically referring to the unlimited data that is included.

Yesterday, after probably 2-3 months of balking, I finally placed an order to get that deal and picked up the Mogul as well. I've read so much about the Mogul but I really love and still love my XV6700 with Phoenix06's ROM. That is the one thing I'll miss about upgrading to the Mogul. I've also been trolling this forum and was disappointed that there are no kitchen ROMs that exists for the Mogul........yet. But I know I made the right/best choice by switching. The kicker was the unlimited data which is a savings of 44.99/month that I had with Verizon for unlimited data.

Also, I'm debating on whether or not to add the protection plan for an additional $7/month. I had a protection plan for my XV6700 and never once had to get it serviced for any reason despite dropping it a couple times here and there... It's still working just as beautifully since the day I got it.
I hear you on the service plan... I'm still within 30 days of my purchase so I can still get insurance... but just like car extended warranties, you gotta do the math. So let's take a look at it:

The insurance is $7 a month. So let's say you don't have a problem until a year later, that means you've spent $84 already on insurance. Plus, they charge you a $55 deductible, making your total out-of-pocket expense to replace the phone $139. A year from now, the price on this phone is going to drop considerably (afterall, Sprint is not VzW which still charges $299 for a 6700 2 years later, lol). And if nothing happens to your phone within 2 years (life of your contract) you've paid $168 out-of-pocket.

So my advice is the same as what they say about car extended warranties... take the money you would have spent on the insurance and put it in a savings account. If something happens, the money is there to offset the cost of replacing the phone. If nothing happens, the money is there to go towards a new model... or anything else you want to buy.

But... if you are the type of person that is accident prone and is constantly dropping their phone, glasses, iPods, etc... then get the insurance!

Or how about: pay the $7/mo for the first 2 years? From what I understood, the $50 deductible is only if you lose the phone, or it is damaged by an accident. If the phone itself dies due to hardware failure, no deductible. I've replaced it once with $0 deductible a few months later because of hardware failure.

So do the math on this...

PPC-6700's STILL sell for about $300++ new on ebay, and it's a model that is > 2 years old. That is your uninsured replacement cost for a "new" 6700. So if you only had to replace it ONCE, very very late in the ownership life of the item, then you might come out ahead $14 or something silly. More than once, and you're cursing every design flaw the phone has, fighting with sprint reps, etc... all because you didn't want to burn $7 extra when they are giving you what is undoubtedly the best rate plan in the industry (assuming you have SERO).

You don't want to feel like a fool when your mogul gets dropped and breaks a few months from now and you have to shell out hundreds to get a new (or likely, refurb) one. I'm pretty sure you can't get your discounted rebated price again once you're a customer -- you'll have to pay FULL PRICE for a replacement or refurb, right?

I'd get insurance while the replacement cost was high - and as you can see with these phones, that can be for awhile. This isn't a POS do-nothing RAZR

It's $7. Think of it like this... you buy Sprint lunch, they give you phone protection on your $500 phone for the month.
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