Originally Posted by denap
ok... total newbie. New VZW TP running 6.1. I'm trying to follow all of the instructions acronyms etc. All I want to do (for now) is get GPS and google maps to run. I've tried the valhalla server and GM hangs.
Assuming I am content with the VZW ROM, what do I need to do to get GPS running on 6.1?
Im a bit new to this also, but i just wanted to add that vzw rom sucks....you will see. Ive flashed alot of devices before but never a phone until the TP. I tried mighty rom (had memory running at 90% on startup and no nav), JD's (same thing), then I tried scroslers 20764 R4R ROM....you have to try it. Everything is faster, better battery life, great apps, no garbage, its made for a VZW TP. I ran the gps fix cabs and the driver for vz Nav and everything worked right away. Try the ROM, you will love it (and thats what i was looking for someone to tell me when i was looking for ROMS)