Originally Posted by Larik
Thanks Former!!!
I was wondering why did you change those flags by just removing leading 000. I can try to restore those flags myself and see if this solves my icon flickering problem.(though since i started using custom ROMs my A2DP problem still bugs me) I was using 16MB Pagepool. I will let you know.
Removing the leading zeros doesn't change the value. If you look at a stock boot.rgu you will see that the flags value appears three times under a [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Init\Bootvars] key. RGUComp processes the file top to bottom so only the last value sticks. But in the stock that last value is 5 - somehow I changed it to 3.
Also, you have to re-cook the XIP for this change to take effect. Just changing boot.rgu won't make it stick - with the exception being for programs that look at this during phase 2 boot or later. Anything in phase 1 boot that relies on this value has to get it from the compiled boot.hv in the XIP.
On your A2DP problem - I traded messages with another user in some thread to check and see if you find a file called atcmdint.dll in \Windows. After boot, a provxml copies a cooked in file named atcmdint_.dll to atcmdint.dll. This newly-copied file replaces the stock atcmdint.dll that is part of SYS. This file is the AT command interpreter specific to our BT hardware. If the wrong interpreter is used, there may be issues with the BT hardware. Not sure if this is your problem, but something else to check.
Provxmls won't run if their attributes aren't correct (must be hidden, system and read-only) or if they aren't listed in a manifest (.dsm file) somewhere. Some of the sources for the SYS are mucking with the attributes.