Originally Posted by Devilish
Thank you for all your help. I did d/l the VGA file and I did run the CAB file from my phone. After running the program there is a folder created that is called FingerKeyb and inside that the Skins folder has been created and there are no other folders. When I try to look for the FingerKey under my keyboard/other / other input methods I don't see FingerKey as one of my options. I don't think installation is complete and I think I am missing something here.
Any idea here?
Did you download and install "
FingerKeyb-2.0 no arrows-VGA.cab" first or did you just install "
Reef's VGA-Portrait-Compact.cab"? The "Reef's" cab is an add-on to the first one. Install the "FingerKeyb" cab first.
Originally Posted by MrObvious
The Diamond 2 and Touch Pro 2 are WVGA also.
That makes sense. Bigger screens. Me want!!