Originally Posted by searcher61
I am probably older than you but I still text to wife and kids. Just got my first pair of bifocals, though I dont like to tell people. Not THAT old yet. LOL
Btw, I think many people, including myself were just concerned because we had not seen mike on this forum for awhile. I think we just got used having him here so much in the past, he used to be here a lot.
LOL....I know the feeling. I do text some (friends mostly) but I know that there are some here that can text faster than I can talk.
And a couple of days ago I posted that Mike's posting ratio between the TP forum and here was about 50-1, so that's why I said that no one here should be holding their breath for the next release. I believe Mike when he says we will get one, but I don't think it's imminent and I don't think it does much good to keep asking when the next release will drop.