Originally Posted by Exstatica
I had this problem with any rom that used 20765. As soon as i just cooked my own using ssk's kitchen my issue went away, then when juicy came out with a new rom that wasn't 20765, i switched to that and havn't had a problem. but i tried both juicy, and mighty's 765 rom, and had the same issue on both.
Originally Posted by mightymike
Quite odd.... Maybe coincidence, who knows.
Like i tell all my users, usually when u flash the best thing to do is use clear storage method to hard reset once more rather than the button pattern method.
If u did do that, then i'm stumped. If you didn't do that, then thats my recommendation for next time, or for any rom for that matter.
I have hear of all sorts of crazy **** with this phone! This just tops the cake but not all that surprising. This phone reminds me of the HTC Apache. Way too much. If you didint hard reset appache after flashing you were in for very similiar issues.
I also agree with mike about ways to hard reset and that hard reset is the smartest thing you can do after first flash.