Re: [APP] Fart Machine V1.0
Ok a few things: First, to set an icon for your project (assuming you're using visual studio) double click on "My Project" in your solution explorer. It should bring up a window with tabs on the left. Click "Application" (should be clicked by default on your first view) then click the drop down combo box to the right under "Icon" then click "<Browse...>" and from here you can find an icon on your computer that will attach it's self to your app.
Second: To create a timer on this app, I suggest a small button that opens a new form. On this new form, instead of buttons to make fart noises, it's radio buttons with the fart noises's name as text. You select the radio button, enter the number of seconds to wait in a text box, then click a button that says go or something. The button that says Go will change it's text to "Stop" and activate a timer. The code would look like:
If btnTimerInit.text = "Go" then
btnTimerInit.text = "Stop"
Timer1.Interval = val(txtInterval.text) * 1000 'Here instead of entering the time in miliseconds, you're letting them enter the value in seconds, then multiplying it by 1000 so the timer works in seconds.
ElseIf btnTimerInit.text = "Stop" then
btnTimerInit.text = "Go"
Timer1.Enabled = false
End If
In the timer code, just simply say something like
If radioFart1.checked = true then
'play fart1 sound
ElseIf radioFart2.checked = true then
'play fart 2 sound
ElseIf radioFart3.checked = true then
and so on. You'd also need a final button that would go back to the main form.
just throwin out ideas as to how i'd do it :P