Originally Posted by HobbesIsReal
It is easy to miss the first time, because you would think it is in the connections section of the Settings., but in the infinite wisdom of....MS HTC, or Sprint...they put it under Programs (probably because technically that is what you doing next, is running a program to make the connection with your laptop / desktop).
where's the emoticon of hand smacking self on the forehead?
and with this answer i am now posting on my laptop instead of my mogul. i just want to thank everyone for finding this out. i really didn't want to use another program like pdanet or such. i came from a samsung 610 with the NIA disabled and was missing the ability to quickly get on the net using my phone tethered to my laptop. i feel myself getting ever closer to getting the mogul just the way i want it. of course by then i'll have to get a new phone