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Old 03-18-2009, 01:15 AM
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Re: [03-12-09] JUICY 5 (CE OS 5.2.20771 Build 20771 AKU 1.4.6)

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post

I'm sure there is atleast one enterprising user here that can dissect Tsowen's cab and replace his HTCVolumeControl.dll, or simply delete it.

Done deal! For anyone using Tsowen's taskbar 1.4 (the one with the square icons), attached is the HTCVolumeControl.dll that you need to copy over into your \Windows directory, I made it a little different however:

The blue is with the sound on, to match the rest of the theme, grey is vibrate, red is silent.

I would attach a cab, but mine is specifically edited for a fast charge driver (the original tsowen is off in percentages)
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