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Old 03-17-2009, 10:43 PM
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Quick Update

So far so good. Its hard for me to judge perforamnce on this ROM and OS Build though. I am used to my large memory phone that the smaller memory phone seems slower ;c( I am going to release a ROM for VZW and Sprint as well as the kitchen. I am releasing it as Beta. Although I have tested it on my Diamond I have not ran it on the Pro, hence the classification of Beta.

Being beta I am going to bundle it as a normal kitchen. You can play with it and provide feedback. The older Sys files SHOULD work with this new core so give them a try and report back if you have any issues. I do expect themes to be a "possible" issue because of the older way I did the today themes.

Either way, a couple more flashes to go and we can start testing.....

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