Error 150: ROM upgrade utility error
OK....I'm at wits end.
I cannot update to ANY ROM....
Ran Saridnours on my old 6700, got a new one and cannot update my ROM
I was stuck in bootloader mode a few weeks ago.
Now that I'm back up and running, I tried Saridnours again, later tried Phoenix - error 150 :
This ROM is not designed for your device. Please get proper ROM upgrade utility and try again.
BEfor eyou ask or suggest, I searched high and low for a solution. These are things I've tried.
1. just run the upgrade luck
2. Flash to stock rom and run upgrade....cant flash to stock rom
3. change luck
4. change PC's ....still working on that one, will try my laptop by morning
5. reboot PC and or PPC...done that, no luck
6. Just keep trying.....doing that
ANY help would be appreciated.
Is it possible that they made the phone non-flashable (is tha possible)???
Is there some simple step I am missing????
verizon HTC Vogue (formerly Verizon vx 6700)
unlocked radio
Custom ROM