I had a similar issues on my Titan the first dozen or so attempt at 21176 and 21189. (Except obviously no mouse curser). My screen went to black. I had actually thought the device turned off completely and was unresponsive until I could see the off haze around the edges if the lights were off (talk about freaking me out!). Also, the only thing I was able to do was return to bootloader or soft reset. And I could only go to bootloader if I caught it on either subslash 1 or subsplash two.
I was using Mr. FREE's kitchen. I would like to use PPCKitchen's build OS, but I am having major difficulties figuring out all the files that need editit and what to add to the individual archives, txt file, and option.xml's. Can someone post a link or instructions on how to get a 6_5 Build into the PPCKitchen's Build OS??? There are networking programs and other items I want to use in that kitchen, and I am really not in the mood to try to dig for each individual itme if I can just place a check by the stuff I want.
Again, if you know how to add the WM6_5 Builds into PPCKitchen's BuildOS, please post instructions or a link to the instructions. I could even go for a PM if need be! Thanks in advance!