Can my touch pro get a virus/spyware?
i received a text today from "" and it said something like "marian has sent you a pm, check it here" and "here" was blue and clickable. i obviously didnt click it b/c i have no clue what that would be.
i didnt sign up for any porn subscriptions, lol. and i dont give my phone number out to anyone except friends/family. i dont think i've ever even typed in my number except for logging into sometimes i will active sync with my desktop but norton antivirus and avg anti spyware both say my desktop is clean.
that being said, i know my touch pro is a miniature computer so can this be something i need to worry about? how would u recommend solving this issue? could it just be a crazy fluke?
p.s. i googled "" and even "" and i didnt really get any results that explained anything... thanks guys