Originally Posted by jspenc3
I flashed to a fairly basic 1.04 on Sunday night and noticed a strange issue yesterday. With the previous 1.02 kitchen (and all before that) and the same basic apps, when the phone was in the cradle (power and usb cables connected) the phone would still sync with my exchange server for email/etc. But now I'm on 1.04, it will only sync when not on USB. If I go to activesync and hit the sync now button it just gets stuck on "connecting". As soon as I remove from the cradle it connects fine.
Any thoughts?
I just figured it out. The problem seems to be caused by the USB to PC item in the Settings --> Connections tab. I disabled the "Enable advanced network functionality" item and the computer redetected the PPC (new hardware) and then exchange started syncing over USB.
It was kinda strange, before I changed this the PPC would slow to a crawl any time activesync tried to do the exchange sync (I schedule it every 10 mins to save battery over direct sync).
Now this gives me a new question. What does this option do? Is that what enables me to use the phone as a wireless modem? I was using PDAnet before, but doesn't the new kitchen allow the phone to act as a modem without it?