Re: [March 13th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.13 [20765]
Originally Posted by theprospect29
I'm waiting for that white theme Rico.....cmooooooooon. LOL
All in due time.... Just trying to get stability up 1st...
Originally Posted by k000
First time since v 4.13 GAlarm was supposed to go off at 5:20 AM... nothing happened though
I woke up at 6:25 AM and saw that GAlarm screen was up.. but the top area was covered with taskbar.. and ALrm did not sound at all was late to work... not complaining as I should start using teh iHome Zune player that I have for secure Alarms...
I'm going to look into this...
Originally Posted by tx_jaycee
Rico, I didn't have time this weekend but I'm wondering if we can't just modify the dll's from the Mighty ROM and create our own customized taskbar by mod'ing the DLLs. Have you thought about this? Part of the problem might be using TSOWEN's DLL's with Mighty's ROM.
That's what I posted earlier that I want to try...
Originally Posted by Chuck_IV
tsowentaskbar3v1.3 or tsowentaskbar3v1.4?
I ask because I use tsowentaskbar3v1.4 and I think that's the current version of the taskbar3.
tsowentaskbar3v1.4 I think uses the same .DLL's as tsowentaskbar3v1. 3 since it was posted like a week or 2 after.
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