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Old 03-16-2009, 01:04 AM
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Re: [March 13th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.13 [20765]

Originally Posted by stevedusa View Post
Easy Mike, we don't want any little things might end up costing the 4.14 release

Update- 1:15am

Tsowen's Taskbar Installed = Immediate Lockups

Update- 1:10am

Alright Guys,

I've sent 4.14 final build to Rico for testing. He's been testing it for the last hour and a half all seems to be going very well.

We will run with this final build until mid tomorrow to see what we get. If everything checks out we shall see a release very soon with all the fixes stated earlier. I will also release the full changelog with all the itty bitty fixes/changes/updates i have made to 4.14

On a side note. The volume control issue seems to be solved. All fingers are pointing to the taskbar mods. We are unsure what exactly is causing it within the taskbar mods, although after being installed that's when the freezing starts to occur. We will do more testing to confirm our theories!

That's it for now. The rom is running fantasticly fast... As usual!

Before the release comes out i'd like to have a definitive answer on this volume freezing. For now though with no taskbar mods installed the issue is not present. This is including the installation of Rico's themes, which means his themes are 100% fine and will be re-posted tomorrow.

I'll post updates as I go.. Likewise with Rico!

Take Care!

Last edited by MightyMike; 03-16-2009 at 01:13 AM.
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