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Old 03-15-2009, 04:33 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by b0bzuruncle View Post

I'm currently running CE OS 21109 and have a minor tweak question

When a calendar event displays, there are options to "snooze" them for varying periods of time (5, 10, 15 minutes, 1 hour & 1 day)

Does anyone know the registry key to change these values?

Sorr I never use the calendar. Cant help.

Originally Posted by platniumrover View Post
How do I add my own cabs in using the ssk1.5 kitchen?? Does it ask me some where down the 7 steps?? And is there a specific folder I need to place them in?
You need to use OEM'izer. There are many threads on its usage. Search for OEMizer and you will find what you need.

Originally Posted by djsiva View Post
Another update on the notification enhancement.... the appt reminder option also works. I received a calendar reminder today, and it gave me the option to dismiss or snooze when I clicked on it in the new notification menu.

Cool... working on some stuff now.. Will check it out....

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
Hey guys. Hopefully someone can give me some advice. I tried many different ROM but the SSK with the 21015 build has the best battery life out there so far, that I know of. My question is this. Since there are so many other kitchens that have more app add-ons, can i use the sys and rom folders and throw them into one of the other kitchens? Or are there more factors than that when concerning battery life?

In everyone else's experience, whihc build from Scott has had the best battery life for you?
Battery life varies for me. As far as implanting my SYS and ROM files to another kitchen. Not recomended. My kitchen doesnt follow all other kitchens. Each is a little differnt. OEM's can be carried in usually without any problems though. I would carrier the OEM's over.

Originally Posted by platniumrover View Post
Could someone give me a lil info, on adding in my own programs...please!! I damn near spent the whole night on here waiting for an answer.
You need to learn patients and how to search. this is not a paid job for anyone here. we will help when we can. Chill.....

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