Hi Guys,
First time posting to these forums. I am looking for assistance with attempting my first ROM or radio flash for my Sprint Touch Pro. I have been lurking on the boards and reading as best as I can for the past 2 months since I got the TP trying to learn and understand the process. I have tried to tinker on my own before posting to the forum requesting assistance. I apologize if much of what I am struggling with has been discussed ad nauseum previously and may not be in any way new, but I have really hit a wall and could use some assistance.
Having never flashed any type of new ROM before I thought that I would start off with a new radio thinking that somehow flashing a radio might be an easier first step than would be flashing a ROM. Is flashing a new radio the same process as for flashing an entire ROM….i.e. is it like flashing a ‘partial’ or ‘mini’ ROM when I flash for a new radio? I have been working with the updated radio files Sprint Radio V1.11.00F D and Telus V1.04.05V Radio D that I found through these boards. (I am presently running Sprint radio 1.03.15F).
If I understand things correctly, I first need to unlock the phone. I did that following CMONEX’s fantastic guide and I did seem to accomplish that part of things….at least on the bootloader rainbow screen I do see SPL-0.37 CMONEX. Am I correct that this has accomplished unlocking the phone without my needing to input my MSL anywhere?
I next downloaded the RAR files for the above Sprint and Telus radios, placing the uncompressed folders/files on my desktop.
I have tried the following on 2 separate machines with the exact same results (one machine Win XP SP3 and the other a Windows Vista 32 bit):
1)Made sure .NET framework 3.5 installed on PC
2)Active Sync 4.5 on XP machine and WMDC 6.1 on Vista machine
3)Hooked up USB cable to PDA and PC with successful, initial synch
4)Entered bootloader mode (with CMONEX 0.37 SPL showing on rainbow bootloader screen) with PDA still hooked up to the machines via USB
5)I noticed at this point that in bootloader mode that neither machine (XP or Vista) seemed to remain connected to the PDA via the USB even though PDA shows USB on bottom of rainbow screen
6)Ran the respective radio update utility anyway, even though I no longer appeared to be connected or synch’d.
7)Both utilities do launc: (PDA Phone ROM Update Utility shows up in the title bar with either radio update utility)
In clicking through the screens, I have noticed that neither utility seems to recognize any specific ROM image for replacement as listed in the upper field of the utility screen (field is blank), however, the utilities do list the correct radio files at the bottom fields of the utility screens as I continue through the process.
9)The PDA does then seem to at least start a flash process, getting as far as 5% on the PDA screen and as far as a couple of bars on the PC update utility screen
10)The utilities then both fail with the following messages:
a.Error [244] Invalid Model ID
b.This update utility cannot be used for your PDA phone. Please check your update utility.
11)The same process has incidentally happened if I try to run the radio update utilities with the PDA successfully synch’d but not in bootloader mode (utilities force it into bootloader mode and then process continues the same).
I am sure that I am missing something very basic to this process. I have noticed in reading the threads references to a RUU and RUU.zip whatever they are and to renaming a ‘signed’ RUU and placing it somewhere or other. Is this perhaps a critical step that I have missed in the process? Does this step allow the ROM or radio update utility to ‘recognize’ my current ROM or radio file as the one that needs to be replaced?
Any assistance in helping me to work through this would be truly appreciated. Please let me know any other information that I would need to post that I might not have included in the rest of the above post.
Nice to meet everyone, and thank you for your help!!!