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Old 08-22-2007, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by scotbotmosh
Also, it felt that a "Clean And Simple" ROM Kitchen was to somehow imply that the others were not.

I guess if the ROM Kitchen actually contained less stuff it could be classified Cleaner and Simpler, this doesn't specifically denote quality, some people my enjoy a lighter build and that is better for them, some may want all kinds of bells and whistles, that is better for them. The name Clean and Simple however seems to signify quantity..not quality.

Also I think that limiting the ability to create and distribute our own kitchens goes against what this site is all about, sure someone could use the C&S and make a kitchen dirty and complex...but they could also make it cleaner and simpler as well as learn something. I think arguing that route is a moot point.

Either way I guess we really do not know why it was taken down, maybe an official reason why would help us all understand.
Should be more careful on where you put the EndQuote, as you captured some of your text and made it look like mine.
As for my comments, the point is if you and I and countless others start releasing new kitchens we will have many different(?) versions of the same thing, and each with uncertain integrety. I could release one with a better name OR a higher version number than yours (although being the same in every other respect) and then I'd get all the attention and see my name in praise and contributions.... That's one of the many reasons I'm all for version control.... But on your side as well, I think people should be able to distribute whatever masterpiece/garbage they so choose, and keep all their secrets to themselves if they wish.... Each situation is different, and in this one if there was a vote - I'd vote YES - in favor of version control on the Kitchen within the context of this forum.