I didn't dig deep enough to find all the sites which discuss this program but I am pretty sure I recall reading lots of stuff on the author's site
caliperCppc1 I believe is the caliper program name but I am sure there are many others
SuperRuler Free 1.0 does inches mm and angles
photogrammetry........ now this is something to ponder now that the camera's are high resolution and autofocus
which means the camera knows the focal length and if a user is taking defined perspective pix
the Jetson replicator machine is quite possible
there are several open source photo to 3D dimensioned model programs
I think Google has a free one called Sketchup?
Rhinophoto is worth looking at but the better stuff doesn't require all the markers to generate an accurate point cloud
the black ruler came from x-pda the best i can recall
however, a thinking man will be able to figure out that these programs which require user defined inputs for the program to scale and then extrapolate dimensions, are missing the next dimension in exploiting the full potential
this is assuming the Auto Focus is able to determine at least one reliable distance involved
I don't see any infrared so perhaps the focusing is simply digital and unable to actually determine actual distance to lens?
well the phones have more potential even if it requires waiting on snapdragon
if you have never been to a large professional machinery show.... five years ago the Jetson Replicator stuff pretty much became reality
now it's getting much faster and cheaper