Originally Posted by electronicrice
So I was having an issue with my data calls today, getting error code 67 when i tried dialing #777. Well I called Sprint Tech Support and they walked me through resetting my data profile. The ## code was ##3282# and I put in my MSL code after choosing Edit from the resulting menu.
I was able to Edit a setting that corresponded to my IP. It was initially set to Mobile IP Only and I change it to Mobile IP Preferred. I also changed the 3 keys in HKLM>Software>OEM>WMODEM all to 0 (disabled) so they couldn't detect tethering (Multi-NAI).
Now I can connect via Phone As Modem (which I wasn't able to do before) and getting 1.5 Mbps speed when I tether in Internet Sharing.
Let me know if anyone else has done/can do this. Do you think they're gonna fnd out and charge me? I don't see how they can and I can always just say that I really used the data on my phone.
What if i only did multi-nai, cause once i do the others, i start getting that error again, do you think that its safe enough?