Re: [March 13th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.13 [20765]
I just installed 4.13 on my 2 day old TP and I'm impressed with the overall speed. Based on my extensive 48 hr experience with the TP running the stock Sprint ROM, this is the fstest most stable rom ever! Keep in mind this comes from someone whose ROM choice is based partially on it not being named after a line of active wear favored by big butted teen chicks. I've found one small inconsequential bug I thought I would share. When adding contacts to the people tab in TF3D, if you try to use the hardware kb to search contacts, all the contacts disappear. The soft kb works fine for this task. Thanks for the ROM Mike, after 2 whole days of TP ownership, it's like I have a new phone all over again.