Originally Posted by scuccia
Do you got a guy on payroll working for HTC?
would be nice if i did. I just have the right friends in the right places.
New MMS from USCC
I have a new Album, 2.2.1911. So it is just made in January. but I have newer stuff so didnt use it
Also I did a screenshot of Voice Command becuase notice the version number of that. 1.6.21027, These only come on officail ROM, before this time, the latest we had was 20771, from the FUZE rom back on March 1.
hehe, now what do i have that I cant share
Here is a cab with a lot of the Icons I used. Install this cab and soft reset, it does not have them all, but it does have a lot. Hope it can help everyone. Cab is made by myself and LennySh. The Rapheal Elite team has some amazing things in store for there ROM. I cant wait for everyone to try it.