Originally Posted by Brock1909
great upgraded kitchen. only 3 problems i have had so far are the slight freezing on the sip, and my TXT tone stops working after about 15-25 texts consistently. also i have to click on Ilock to get S2U2 working after a soft reset, the ilock.ink was not in the windows/startup for me, so i had to put it in there, which solved the problem. ( was also haveing the problem that manila weather wouldnt show on S2U2, but after placing the ilock.ink in the startup folder, seems to be resolved as well)
touchresponse works for me. i just loaded up my seting from last kitchen though ( doubt that would make a difference)
also, how can i save my Opera bookmarks for each flash? and example file woudl be wonderful
does anyone know what driver controls, the SMSretry? i want to replace the sprint one with the telus one, its much nicer, it tells you why the sms coulnt be sent, and pops it up on the main screen so you know it wasnt sent.
the opera files you'll want to back up are:
OPERA6.ADR (bookmarks)
wand.dat (inside "Secure" folder) this is your usernaame password file
More recently i've just started copying the entire Opera9 folder from \windows and using sashimi to drop it back in after a flash...