Re: 03/12/09 NEW Cricket (Version 1 Heavy) Titan ROM WM6.1 by Ryan Mogul
I installed your cricket rom and so far I love it thanks for all your hard work.
Only one problem I do not have internet access on my plan for cricket got everything to work aside from mms (Picture Messaging). I have gotten it to work on all other roms i have used it the past but for some reason it wont send or download it says sending or receiving but never actually receives just wondering settings i should use they all seem right to me.
Just added internet to plan gonna test now will edit with update.
Edit: Added internet to plan and no effect now it connects to the cricket proxy but refuses to navigate to webpage always times out and still no picture messaging any help would be greatly appriciated
Last edited by riprallyally; 03-13-2009 at 12:48 PM.