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  #230 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2007, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by luv2chill
Your problem is smartskey. You are seeing different behavior depending on how long you press the softkey button--which is the intended behavior. Smartskey gives you dual usage for both buttons. A quick press does the designated function, while a longer press of the left softkey brings up the start menu and a longer press of the right softkey closes the active window.

If you don't desire that extra funtionality, you can either build a new ROM without smartskey, delete the smartskey shortcut from \Windows\Startup, or edit the smartskey.ini file in the \Windows folder to disable that function (instructions on how to do so are in the file itself).
One other symptom of this seems to be that if VJCandela is set up to use the left softbutton, that the button can turn on the flashlight but not turn it off (or I should say turns it off, but then immediately turns it back on).
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