03-13-2009, 10:48 AM
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Re: Best Radio for Sprint
Originally Posted by dschoenike
I tried sprint 1.11 radio for a week, and thoght it was great. Tried the telus radio just for comparison purposes, and its even better. Consistently getting full up bars everywhere, super battery life, and nice data speeds. Weird thing was, at first with the telus radio, the bars would go from 1 to 3 to 4 to 1 etc... all while sitting in the same spot. that has stopped, which im not sure why that is, but im not complaining.
On a side note regarding radios, if i do a backup with the telus radio, switch to the sprint 1.11 radio, then do a restore, which radio would i have after? still the sprint, or the backed up telus radio? sorry if thats a silly question, but i really dont know. Thx guys,
what ever radio you have installed will the be the radio that remains after a flash even after a backup...its hard coded once the radio is flashed
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