Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Hmm, I never put mine in my pocket.... So that rules that out... Mine is always in an inside Cell Phone pocket to my leather jacket. I baby the thing, since I am so anal about taking care of my products. Regardless, I had cancelled my insurance 2 days ago, and called last night to customer service, and they decided the only way to get a free replacement was if I still had insurance. Luckily they were kind enough to reactivate my insurance and send me a free brand new phone. I was shocked at how helpful they were, and the fact that it didnt take ANY arguing. I explained my problem, I was 5 days past the 30 day warranty ( although the instruction booklet cleary states a 12 month warranty ), but regardless, brand new phone being shipped which makes me a happy guy. I am hoping it isnt a design flaw that allows moisture through the screen as I cant deal with this happening every few months. Hopefully a newer build will have fixed this already. In any case, I am happy that Sprint has turned around with Customer Service and actually helped me out in a friendly, English as a first language kind of way!!