Got my second TP! Any differences between builds?
I filed for a replacement of my old Titan (even tho I've already bought and moved on to a TouchPro when it launched with Sprint), and they gave sent me a new TouchPro. w00t! 2 touch pros on one desk.. Secksee! I'm kind of torn now though, because I miss a lot of the functionality of the Titan, even though I know I'll never go back to activate the thing. Anyway, I'm thinking I can ebay the TouchPro I dont use (after I do some side-by-side ROM comparisons :P ).
Before filing for the replacement I had heard that the screen appeared yellow'ish on the new refurbed TPs. I've got to say, I've put them side by side and dont see aaaaany difference. If anything, it appears the backlight of my old phone is a bit dimmer. This may be because they sent me a new, in-box TP and not the standard replacement.
I guess I write this post partly to boast and share my excitement at having two TouchPro's next to each other (yes I know one is completely useless as a phone, but I can do some side-by-side comparisons), and partly to ask if anyone knows any hardware differences between the manufactured dates.
My first TouchPro, we shall call TP1, is a first generation build. The new one, TP2, is obviously new, So far they look absolutely identical. Anything I should look for, or any reason not to go with the new (unscratched (yay!)) TP2?
I guess in summary: does anyone know the different hardware iterations HTC has been through with the TP?
Buck nasty.
--ROM: SilenceROM Final  
Last edited by izanagi; 03-13-2009 at 08:42 AM.