Originally Posted by dfales16
Two questions:
1. Does anyone here live in the detroit downriver area? If so what is your choice for best radio?
2. Does changing your radio Hard reset your phone?
This is from the radio thread which lists out the cities and best radios. It looks like the Telus radio is recommended for your area. Pintozozdiam has a great thread to keep track of peoples preferences: Here is the link:
Also, regarding whether radio rom flashing will hard reset your phone. some of them are packaged to not hard reset your phone thanks to Juggalo X. The Telus radio 1.04.05v, new Sprint radio 1.11.00f and Sprint raphael radio 1.03.15f are set up so they will not hard reset your phone. I believe the stock sprint radio 1.00.00f and the verizon radio will hard reset your phone. good luck.
Downriver, MI- Telus 1.04.05
Huntington Beach, CA-
Sprint 1.11.00f
San Francisco, CA-
Telus 1.04.05
Duarte,Ca-Sprint Radio 1.03.03
Sprint Radio 1.03.03
LA county,Ca- Sprint Radio 1.03.03
Memphis, TN- Sprint 1.11.00f
Jacksonville, Florida-
Sprint 1.11.00f