grooveROM 4 Base:
Download grooveROM 4 OEM (windows mobile 6.1) Base here
Download grooveROM 4 OEM (windows mobile 6.5) Base here
Please note, this OEM base includes grooveROM HD Manila with transparant digital clock.
If you want to use a different Manila in your ROM, download one of the following files and extract it to your OEM folder:
Manila - Stock Sprint
Manila - grooveROM HD Custom w/Flip Clock
You also need the OS of your choice:
Download OS/SYS 21028 here
Download OS/SYS 21038 here
Download OS/SYS 21189 here
Download OS/SYS 21193 here
Download OS/SYS 21195 here
Download OS/SYS 21198 here
Download OS/SYS 21202 here
Download OS/SYS 21501 here
Download OS/SYS 21222 here
Extract the OEM base and OS/SYS of your choice to your favorite kitchen, and cook you're own custom grooveROM.
If you have integer overflow issues trying to build a 6.5 rom, see here:
Originally Posted by CoolioDisgracias
Is it hard to cook? How do I do it?
Here's a quick and dirty guide to cooking with grooveOEM base:
1. Download and extract the grooveOEM base and OS/SYS of your choice
2. Download and extract your favorite flavor Diamond kitchen (TobeyChris and Calcu both have great ones)
3. Rename the oem, sys, and rom folders in the kitchen to something like kitchenOEM, kitchenSYS, and kitchenROM (or whatever)
4. Put the grooveOEM base folder in the kitchen (keep it named "OEM") and put the new SYS and ROM folders in the kitchen folder
5. You can manually remove any of the program folders in the OEM folder before cooking if you don't want that program or wait and do it with the kitchen if that folder has an "option.xml" file in it. If it doesn't, you have to remove it manually.
6. If there's not a folder for the program that you want to remove, it's likely to be in OEM\OEMApps, so do a search on that folder, and delete the necessary files.
7. If you want to add a program, you can likely find it in the kitchenOEM folder, so just drag and drop to the OEM folder. Make sure that you delete and redundant files that are in the OEM folder when adding new ones. Redundant files cause errors when building.
8. Run the kitchen, which will run G'Reloc for you, and then run BuildOS. In Build OS, select the programs you want by checking the appropriate boxes. Once your done, click the green btton in the upper left corner.
9. Give it a few minutes to process. If there are any errors, that likely means that you have two of the same file somewhere in your OEM folder. Search for the file, and delete one of them - then re run BuildOS. Once Build completes by saying "done" in the bottom right, close BuildOS.
10. A bunch of different programs will run for about five minutes or so, and then you will be taken to either a RUU (Rom Update Utility) or a PP (PagePool) changer. The PagePool changer is optional -- I'm using 24MB PP these days, but anything between 0 and 32 is fine. Close PP changer, the RUU opens.
11. Flash and enjoy.
grooveROM 4 Builds:
**Thanks to Ervirus, DogGuy, Bepe, DCD, no2chem, Cmonex, Juicy, Juggalo X, TobeyChris, Conflipper, ChainFire, MightyMike, ghettofreerider, Calcu, rstoyguy, briggs, OMJ, Merdin, XBoxMod, daryelv, War Axe, Kessler, JMZ, Da_G, hansk75, intx, watzone69, tsowen, Misfortune, da reeseboy, and many others for making this ROM possible.**
Special thanks to Calcu for his kitchen which was used to build these roms.
**UPDATE [051209]:
- Updated Titanium Weather to the real 4.2 version (w/ Spil icons)
**UPDATE [051109]:
- Updated HTC Album to 3_0_19141129_0 VGA from Tachi
- Windows Voice Command added
**UPDATE [051009]:
- Fixed missing Titanium Weather icon
- Updated HTC Album to Topaz Album 3_0_19132927_0
**UPDATE [050909]:
- Fixed duplicate shortcuts in start menu
- Fixed Opera start page
**UPDATE [050809] grooveROM 4 "REVISITED":
- WM6.5 version updated to OS 21222
- Custom taskbar icons updated to 6.5 versions
- Titanium Weather updated to v4.19
-Showaco's CHomeEditor v1.6 added
- Titanium Customizer removed
- Microsoft Marketplace added
- Flashlite 7 added
- BluetoothIconNotifier cab option added
- Open Album in Titanium tab added
- Opera favorites Titanium tab added
24MB PagePool
21222 SYS:
Modified start menu (4 columns)
Showaco TitaniumWeather v4.2 added
grooveROM 6.5 custom theme
grooveROM phone dialer
Titanium tweaks
OEM App. Name -- Version:
AdobePDF -- 2_5_1_0_378273_00B
ArcsoftMMS -- 5_0_82_79R1
QuickGPS -- 1_00_18221120
ZIP -- 1_21_18193225_0
JbedJava_5_1 -- 0_0_20090217_51R2
LongPressEndKey -- 1_1_34078_1
NetworkPlugin -- 1_0_30468_1
RandomAccess -- 4_1_18222125_0
TaskManager -- 2_1_37385_1
SprintDM_GUILib -- 2_0_18174022_0
Teeter -- 1_4_18201925_0
RSSHub -- 2_1_1_1083
Album -- 3_0_19141129_0 VGA
AudioManager_Eng - 1_6_18221325_0
FMRadio -- 1_6_18174024_1
MP3Trimmer -- 1_1_18163629_1
VoiceRecorder -- 1_10_19121928_1
YouTube -- 1_6_1822_2028
HTCUtil -- 4_3_0_0
InCallRecorder -- 1_0_1821_2426
AutoRun -- 4_31_6_0
AutoShortcut -- 1_1_2_0
BootLauncher -- 1_0_37394_1
BTBPP -- 1_7_18_R1
BTFTP -- 1_2_33309_91
CAMERA -- 6_02_32964_00
ConcurrenceMgr -- 1_5_1911_1625
DShow -- 2_00_19131310_0
FullScreenPlayer -- 1_5_8_926
GSensorCalibrator -- 1_0_18192126_0
AdvancedPowerManagement -- 1_5_18193426
HTCApplication -- 1_11_0_0
HTCGesture -- 1_0_32356_0
HTCScroll -- 1_0_19113219_0
LockStreamDRM -- 1_1_081216_O9_05
mHub -- 6_57_080529_E0
mHubVO -- 1_71_090227_X0
PictureEnhancement -- 1_50_19121428_00
ResourceProxy -- 1_0_19113220_00
RingtonePlugin -- 1_00_080624_4
SensorSDK -- 3_3_18192831_1
SharedModules -- 1_01_19131231_00
SmartTouch -- 1_0_32417_1
grooveROM Startup Animation -- 1_1_5_999
StreamingMedia -- 3_0_18221528_00
StreamingSrcFilter -- 2_6_19123019_00
USBtoPC -- 1_23_0_0
acbToggleBT -- 0_8
Advanced Configuration Tool -- 3_3
Battery Monitor -- 1_30_0_0
HTC Calculator -- 1_0_1822_4128
MusicID -- 1_3_20
PHM Registry Editor -- 0_70
Pocket RAR -- 3_8
GPS Tool -- 1_2_2_17
FingerKBD -- 2.1
Omnia D3D Driver -- 0_92_0_50
Adobe Flash -- 3_1
Showaco CHome Editor -- 1_6
Opera -- 9_50_15613
HTC Chronic S2A Phone Skin
PocketVideoPoker -- 0_4_Beta
grooveHD HTC EzInput -- 1_5_32638_1
Sprint Comm Manager
Black Windows Media Player
TitaniumWeather v4_2
Reg Tweaks
tsowen Custom Taskbar Icons
Misfortune Battery Meter
Toggle 1x
No2Chem's FastCharge
BluetoothIconNotifier cab option
grooveROM 4 is Sashimi compliant
All of your cabs, xml files, and more can be autoinstalled on first boot.
Simply download the attached Sashimi installer, and install to internal storage.
Then add your .cab files to the \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab folder,
and they will be automatically installed on 2nd boot.
Click here to download Sashimi
Click here for more info about Sashimi
This is a Sprint specific ROM.
(although users of other carriers have reported grooveROM running fine on their devices)
**Device must be unlocked (click here to unlock).
I take no responsibility if you mess up your phone.**
**It is highly recommended to flash to the Stock Sprint ROM before flashing to grooveROM 4.**
About The Dialers:
You have two options in Dialers. You can use the default windows dialer:
Or enable the custom grooveROM S2A HTC dialer with Advanced Configuration (settings>system):
If you want to reskin the WM default dialer back to stock or to match your theme, look here:
If you want the Black skin on the HTC S2A Dialer back, look here:
If you want a different grooveROM skinned HTC dialpad, look here:
By default, the BT icons only work with HTC Dialer enabled, but you can enable the BT Icons to work with the
WM Default dialer by installing the cab in start>programs>system tools.
If you install this cab, and use the HTC Dialer, you will get double BT icons.
Please note, the HTC dialer
can cause confilcts when the 6.5 lock screen is active (including ring delay).
InCallRecorder only works with the HTC Dialer enabled.
Pick your poisen.
About Opera:
The built in opera had rotation disabled. To enable Gsensor rotation in Opera, install the cab in Start>SystemTools.
**Note: wm6.5 S2A only works when device is in lock mode.
To make device auto-lock when pressing the power button, see here:
Go here for a cab that will restore the start menu to three columns instead of four:
To update to Titanium Weather 4.2 go here:
Old Versions
**UPDATE [4-23-09] "Final Build":
- WM6.5 version updated to OS 21501
- WM6.1 versions retired
- Added Rhodium Icons
- Added Rhodium Ringtones
- Updated drivers
- Added Opera Browser
- Titanium Weather updated to v3.1
- FingerKbd 2.0 added
- Titanium Customizer added
- Many app versions updated
- Toggle 1x mode added (thanks intx)
- Custom taskbar icons added (thanks tsowen and Misfortune)
- HTC Dialer and WM Dialers customized
- Battery Monitor added
- HTC Calculator updated to black version
- SIPchange added (FingerKbd as default SIP)
24MB PagePool
21501 SYS:
Modified start menu (4 columns)
Showaco TitaniumWeather v3.1 added
grooveROM 6.5 custom theme
grooveROM phone dialer
Titanium tweaks
OEM App. Name -- Version:
AdobePDF -- 2_5_1_0_378273_00B
ArcsoftMMS -- 5_0_82_79R1
QuickGPS -- 1_00_18221120
ZIP -- 1_21_18193225_0
JbedJava_5_1 -- 0_0_20090217_51R2
LongPressEndKey -- 1_1_34078_1
NetworkPlugin -- 1_0_30468_1
RandomAccess -- 4_1_18222125_0
TaskManager -- 2_1_37385_1
SprintDM_GUILib -- 2_0_18174022_0
Teeter -- 1_4_18201925_0
RSSHub -- 2_1_1_1083
Album -- 2_5_18204127
AudioManager_Eng - 1_6_18221325_0
FMRadio -- 1_6_18174024_1
MP3Trimmer -- 1_1_18163629_1
VoiceRecorder -- 1_10_19121928_1
YouTube -- 1_6_1822_2028
HTCUtil -- 4_3_0_0
InCallRecorder -- 1_0_1821_2426
AutoRun -- 4_31_6_0
AutoShortcut -- 1_1_2_0
BootLauncher -- 1_0_37394_1
BTBPP -- 1_7_18_R1
BTFTP -- 1_2_33309_91
CAMERA -- 6_02_32964_00
ConcurrenceMgr -- 1_5_1911_1625
DShow -- 2_00_19131310_0
FullScreenPlayer -- 1_5_8_926
GSensorCalibrator -- 1_0_18192126_0
AdvancedPowerManagement -- 1_5_18193426
HTCApplication -- 1_11_0_0
HTCGesture -- 1_0_32356_0
HTCScroll -- 1_0_19113219_0
LockStreamDRM -- 1_1_081216_O9_05
mHub -- 6_57_080529_E0
mHubVO -- 1_71_090227_X0
PictureEnhancement -- 1_50_19121428_00
ResourceProxy -- 1_0_19113220_00
RingtonePlugin -- 1_00_080624_4
SensorSDK -- 3_3_18192831_1
SharedModules -- 1_01_19131231_00
SmartTouch -- 1_0_32417_1
grooveROM Startup Animation -- 1_1_5_999
StreamingMedia -- 3_0_18221528_00
StreamingSrcFilter -- 2_6_19123019_00
USBtoPC -- 1_23_0_0
acbToggleBT -- 0_8
Advanced Configuration Tool -- 3_3
Battery Monitor -- 1_30_0_0
HTC Calculator -- 1_0_1822_4128
MusicID -- 1_3_20
PHM Registry Editor -- 0_70
Pocket RAR -- 3_8
GPS Tool -- 1_2_2_17
FingerKBD -- 2.1
Omnia D3D Driver -- 0_92_0_50
Adobe Flash -- 3_1
lpaso TitaniumCustomizer
Opera -- 9_50_15613
HTC Chronic S2A Phone Skin
PocketVideoPoker -- 0_4_Beta
grooveHD HTC EzInput -- 1_5_32638_1
Sprint Comm Manager
Black Windows Media Player
TitaniumWeather v3.1
Reg Tweaks
tsowen Custom Taskbar Icons
Misfortune Battery Meter
Toggle 1x
No2Chem's FastCharge
grooveROM 4 is Sashimi compliant
All of your cabs, xml files, and more can be autoinstalled on first boot.
Simply download the attached Sashimi installer, and install to internal storage.
Then add your .cab files to the \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab folder,
and they will be automatically installed on 2nd boot.
Click here to download Sashimi
Click here for more info about Sashimi
This is a Sprint specific ROM.
(although users of other carriers have reported grooveROM running fine on their devices)
**Device must be unlocked (click here to unlock).
I take no responsibility if you mess up your phone.**
**It is highly recommended to flash to the Stock Sprint ROM before flashing to grooveROM 4.**
File Factory
File Factory
About The Dialers:
You have two options in Dialers. You can use the default windows dialer:
Or enable the custom grooveROM S2A HTC dialer with Advanced Configuration (settings>system):
If you want to reskin the WM default dialer back to stock or to match your theme, look here:
If you want the Black skin on the HTC S2A Dialer back, look here:
If you want a different grooveROM skinned HTC dialpad, look here:
**Note: BT icons only work with HTC Dialer enabled, however the HTC dialer
can cause confilcts when the 6.5 lock screen is active (including ring delay).
InCallRecorder only works with the HTC Dialer enabled. Pick your poisen.
About Opera:
The built in opera had rotation disabled. To enable Gsensor rotation in Opera, install the cab in Start>SystemTools.
**Note: wm6.5 S2A only works when device is in lock mode.
To make device auto-lock when pressing the power button, see here:
Go here for a cab that will restore the start menu to three columns instead of four:
grooveROM custom HD Manila:
**note: the taskbar icons pictured below are from an older version.
All of the wallpapers shown above com pre-installed for you to choose from in the HD Manila settings tab.
The custom HD Manila has working BG4all, and has the following tabs:
people HD
call history
photos and video
mail w/glass envelope
weather (w/5 day forecast on tab)
settings (w/ tab customization)
sound profiles
**UPDATE [4-6-09] Build 10 : wm6.5 version updated
- HTC Volume Control removed
- grooveROM custom StartMenu Icon added
21038 SYS and XIP courtesy of Calcu with some modifications
21202 SYS courtesy of Da_G with some modifications
24MB PagePool
Removed from 21038 SYS:
One Note Mobile
Remote Desktop
Windows Live
21202 SYS:
Full Da_G sys
Modified start menu (4 columns)
Showaco TitaniumWeather v2_1 added
grooveROM 6.5 custom theme
Titanium tweaks
Pocket Internet Explorer versions:
21038 - PIE 5.0
21202 - PIE 6.0
OEM App. Name -- Version:
abcTobbleBT -- 0_8
AdobePDF -- 2_5_1_0_360303_00
ArcsoftMMS -- 5_0_71_33R3
ClearTemp -- 1_03
FdcSoft Task Manager -- 3_1
HTC Calculator -- 1_0_1822_4128
MusicID -- 1_3_20
PHM Reg Editor -- 0_70
PocketRAR -- 3_8
psShutXP -- X_0
QuickGPS -- 1_00_18221120_0
ZIP -- 1_21_18193225_0
BT OnOFF -- X_0
JbedJava_5_1 -- 0_0_20090217_51R2
Random Access -- 4_1_1822_2125_0
LargeTitleBar -- 4_49_0_0
LongPressEndKey -- 1_1_34078_1
NetworkPlugin -- 1_0_30468_1
TaskManager -- 2_1_37385_1
VolumeControl -- 1_6_18223325_0 (excluded in 6.5 version)
Battery Meter 10% -- X_0
SprintDM_GUILib -- 2_0_18174022_0
Omnia D3D Driver -- X_0
Chess -- X_0
Freecell -- X_0
Hearts -- X_0
Teeter -- 1_4_18201925_0
GSPlayer -- X_0
Adobe Flash 3.1 -- X_0
RSSHub -- 2_1_1_1077
MortScript -- X_0
Album -- 2_5_18204127_2
AudioBooster -- 2_0_18192227_0
AudioManager_Eng -- 1_6_18221325_0
FMRadio -- 1_6_18174024_1
MP3Trimmer -- 1_1_18163629_1
VoiceRecorder -- 1_10_18191926_1
YouTube -- 1_6_1822_2028
FootPrintsVE -- 1_0_18223925_0
InCallRecorder -- 1_0_1821_2426
Black Phone Canvas -- X_0
Black Slide To Answer -- X_0
Black Phone Log -- X_0
PictureEnhancement -- 1_50_18201227_c2
RingtonePlugin -- 1_00_080624_2
Pocket Video Poker -- 0_4 beta
grooveHD EzInput -- 1_5_32638_1
Black Windows Media Player -- X_0
Black Sprint Comm Manager -- X_0
Vista Start Menu Orb -- X_0
AutoRun -- 4_31_6_0
AutoShortcut -- 1_1_2_0
BootLauncher -- 1_0_35330_2
BTBPP -- 1_7_18_R1
BTFTP -- 1_2_33309_91
CAMERA -- 6_02_32964_00
ConcurrenceMgr -- 1_2_18192826_0000
Dshow -- 2_00_081111_0
FullScreenPlayer -- 1_05_080926_0
GSensorCalibrator -- 1_0_18192126_0
AdvancedPowerManagement -- 1_5_18193426_1
HTCGesture -- 1_0_32356_0
LockStreamDRM -- 1_1_080625_O9_04
mHub -- 6_57_080529_E0
mHubVO -- 1_65_081121_X0
SensorSDK -- 4_0_19112326_0
ShareDLL -- 2_0_080710_00v2
SmartTouch -- 1_0_32417_1
grooveROM Animation -- 1_1_5_999
StreamingMedia -- 3_0_18221528_00
StreamingSrcFilter -- 2_5_18211330_00
USBtoPC_exe -- 1_21_0_0
grooveRegistry Tweaks -- X_0
no2chem's FastCharge - X.0
Sashimi Compliant - X.0
Advanced Configuration Tool -- 3_3 (wm6.5 version only)
EnlargeStartMenu -- 1_2_35587_1 (excluded in WM 6.5 versions)
TouchFlo -- 3_0_29946_53 (excluded in WM 6.5 versions)
grooveROM 4 is Sashimi compliant, so all of your cabs, xml files, and more can be autoinstalled on first boot.
Simply download the attached Sashimi installer, and install to internal storage.
Then add your .cab files to the \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab folder,
and they will be automatically installed on 2nd boot.
Click here to download Sashimi
Click here for more info about Sashimi
My ROMs don't include Opera, so that you can cab install your own personal version. I use the version in the zip file here, and it works great.
This is a Sprint specific ROM.
(**wm 6.5 versions are a bit slower and less stable -- should be considered beta ROMs)
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.1 with no Manila - Build 2
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.1 with HD Manila - Build 2
All of the wallpapers shown above com pre-installed for you to choose from in the HD Manila settings tab.
The custom HD Manila has working BG4all, and has the following tabs:
people HD
call history
photos and video
mail w/glass envelope
weather (w/5 day forecast on tab)
settings (w/ tab customization)
sound profiles
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 10
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
With Advanced Configuration, you can disable the default Black HTC Dialer,
and use the wm 6.5 dialer with 6.5 S2A shown below. This will disable InCallRecorder.
The Default dialer can be easily re-enabled with Advanced Configuration again.
**Note: wm6.5 S2A only works when device is in lock mode.
To make device auto-lock when pressing the power button, see here:
Go here for a cab that will restore the start menu to three columns instead of four:
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 9
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 8
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Build 7
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 7
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Build 6:
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 6
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Build 5:
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 - Build 5
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
With Advanced Configuration, you can disable the default Black HTC Dialer,
and use the wm 6.5 dialer with 6.5 S2A shown below. This will disable InCallRecorder.
The Default dialer can be easily re-enabled with Advanced Configuration again.
wm6.5 Build 4:
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 with no Manila - Build 4
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 with HD Manila - Build 4
The above link contains RUU_signed.nbh only, which needs to be run from a RUU folder. You can download a RUU here.
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
WM 6.5 Build 2:
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 with no Manila - Build 2
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
-- PIE freezing on first start, but seems to work after that
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)
Download grooveROM 4 - WM 6.5 with HD Manila - Build 2
WM 6.5 versions should be considered *beta*
-- PIE freezing on first start, but seems to work after that
**You may need to pull the battery after customizations
run on first boot, then restart with power button.**
(After it gets done customizing (blinking really fast over and over and just
seems to go on and on), pull the battery and restart it.)