Originally Posted by DarkAngelFR
After hours of development, many mail/posts/comments to make this the best for users, please before posting this kind of message be carefull and if you have doubts : contact the author or post a message saying that you feel scarry, don't post directly this kind of "warning" to users!! the day you will really find a bad application nobody will believe you!!!
And sorry but yes I take this PERSONAL : you wrote that I'm trying to steal informations from users without any proof of this, without trying to verify, without contacting the author...how would you react ?
welcome to the site... sorry for the rocky start. i admit i didnt research the claim on my own, but i also trust Chronsters discernment overall, and can say with certainty that his misunderstanding was not an attack on you or your work personally.
So lets move forward and put this behind us... we've all got lessons to learn from this exchange...