Re: Radio Nightmare!
Ok, thanks for replying!
So far I've managed to get the Sprint stock GPS ROM back on after running ImCokeMan's .40 unlocker.
WAP is now working again (I'm typing this from my Vogue) and turning on GPS doesn't make the phone act all flakey like before.
However, the phone did lock-up while I was taking a nap so I don't know what caused it. And the first few soft reboots gave me the No Radio error.
Again, right now I'm seemingly stable on Sprint's stock ROM after ImCokeMan's relocker. Should I really risk the Bell upgrade? I'm sorry to second-guess your most appreciated and gracious advice, but this whole nightmare started with that damned Bell radio, and I want to be sure that the Bell update is the right thing to do.
Thanks again! *owes you beers*
Code Name: berry_lthird
Status: Member of the Ohio Cricket Mafia
Quote: "Idiots: Putting the I back in 'team'"
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