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Old 08-21-2007, 04:41 AM
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Pocket CM: Now Treo Compatible UPDATED for v13! 9/11/07

I just updated this skin for Pocket CM 13

Released September 11th 2007

This version of the skin can only be used with Pocket CM 13

I highly recommend Treo users to update to this newest version; It adds alot of new features, fixes a few bugs, and the keyboard can be hidden when writing an sms (more screen room)


Things in v13

Press and hold a contact to open up an option to call or txt

NEW sms functions (SIP options, and more)

The old "close" button now works as a dial pad!!

Press and hold the new phone button for the following options (about, old contact list, minimize, and close)

v13 is loaded with alot of new things!


(I noticed a few of you using the old skin I created, Please Update to the new one!)

PocketCM is an address book that is completely animated, and can be used entirely by your finger (no stylus!)

The software even includes it's own Threaded SMS (that is if you switch back to the native sms)

The only problem... It was not designed with Treo users in mind (like most software)

So, having a little free-time, i put together this fully functional skin for Pocket CM just for 240*240 screens.

Right now there is only a "dark" version, if you have any request I will be more than glad to see what I can do.

My Treo Skin for PocketCM
DOWNLOAD from here:,1132#msg-1132

Don't have PocketCM yet?
Download v9 Here!

How To Install My Skin
Depending if you installed by Cab or by Zip
  1. Locate the PocketCM Directory
  2. Replace theme.cmt with my version of theme.cmt
  3. Restart PocketCM
Attached Files
File Type: zip (119.3 KB, 85 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by airibis; 09-11-2007 at 07:16 AM. Reason: newer version
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