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Old 03-12-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.31 Updated 3/10/09

Originally Posted by itek View Post
No doubt, its just so I can laugh to myself as I think about friends I have there...

If I move again, I'm going farther South...

I'm actually going to LA tomorrow, and it is chillier there than here by over 15 degrees, but I'm on the same Latitude as parts of Africa...

I'm solar powered!
Here's the source.... I just grabbed the .cab and didn't read that the states WA and LA weten't included. Install v2 from the following link and you'll be fine.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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