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Old 03-12-2009, 09:53 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them here! Updated 2/22/2009

Originally Posted by Brock1909 View Post
i just replaced the two EXE files in the .04 OEM for the .06 one
Shh! Your giving away all my secrets... But yeah, this is what I did for S2U2 for several months. Until a_c started adding new graphics...

Originally Posted by brol1k View Post
hey thanks for the oems, i highly appreciate it. all the oems worked except for the taskbar v5.17, so i had to take it out.
What problems are you having? You will have to manage the duplicates out of the ..\OEM and ..\SYS directories, I move them to ..\mykitchen\deleted in case I need them again...

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
hey, thanx man for all your help, this thread has helped me more than u will ever know!!! i got a few request as well. 3 of them are just updates of things you already have on here that i didnt see and a couple more that i also need. thanx in advance!!!
Most of these are right out of my kitchen and as far as I know are the latest versions and work just great! Except the google maps is newer...

OEM_Condensed_Menu_Icons ................................. Not really sure...

OEM_GoogleMaps_v3_0_0_2 ................................... Google Maps v3.0.0.2

OEM_LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1................................. MS Live Search v4.1.2029.0

OEM_PockeTwit_v0.67 ........................................... Pocket Twitter v0.67

OEM_hTorch_v3_2 ................................................. h Torch v3.2 Flashlight

OEM_htcAddicts_cleanRAM_v1_0_6 .......................... htcAddicts cleanRAM v1.0.6
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