Originally Posted by bbonzz
The app is really cool, Mike (i use it on my HD, and it displays right with VGA bruteforce); just a couple of thoughts:
- cannot exit the app (the only way is to shut it down via task manager)
- everytime i use it, the app fills the folder where it's placed with temp files
- any chance to have animations and other weapons as well? (something like iGuns)
1. Exiting should be via the round button! - If its not working I will check my code;
2. Yeah I know about that - Am in the process of sorting that out too.
3. Is the shotgun not animated? - Im sure it shows the gun pumping up and down? - Do you want firing animation too? Also having more than one gun type detracts from the original idea of this as being a virtual shotgun! Maybe I will have a go at more virtual guns when I have time!