Originally Posted by electronicrice
Scrosler's Verizon OEM pack is what was originally used. You can probably just download it from his site and just copy over the OEM folder. That's basically what was done with that link in the OP.
Hey eRice, First thanks for the great work on the Kitchen. because of your work this nooby will build his very first ROM =D>
Couple of questions:
1 - How do you personalize the CE OS (Build 12xxxxx 'chef name') using your kitchen?
2 - I ran into a problem in which a few OEM Apps/Tools I added to the OEM directory (displays fine and can be selected to be included into the ROM).
But when building, the build process fails when it gets to the added OEM's.
This happends when usinf the included Cab2OEM tool in your kitchen.
Is there a better method and/or recommended practice for adding OEM Apps/Tools to your Kitchen
Thanks Dude