Originally Posted by p-slim
gyrator is a good program if you program it the way you like, correct. But programming gyrator is not user friendly. I figured it out, I don't care what anyone says the way you program gyrator is absolutely ridiculous. Even after watching the video it was difficult to figure out. I think i'm going to try you're program it seems a little more user friendly.
Thats the only reasons I switched the new program. Gyrator is good at first until I ran into several problems. It would always bother me that gyrator would always be running in the banckground and I always accidentally close it . Secondly, the like u said its not user friendly. I would always spend 5-10min figureing out how to make an exception to a new program that I download. Lastly, and probally the bigest reason I had to get rid of Gyrator was b/c the incoming call would always be landscape and would drive me crazy. Now I am finally happy with this program which is easy to use and works properly.