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Old 08-20-2007, 01:52 PM
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EtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuff
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Originally Posted by dishe
Originally Posted by Destructor
Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Originally Posted by papped
If they ever address the WM6 issue with the phone randomly turning on all the time, that would definitely help the battery life...
WM6 issue? My 6700 turns itself on CONSTANTLY... I've noticed that it seems to happen whenever my signal changes from EVDO to 1xRTT though it could be a total coincidence that it happens when such things happen.
That's pretty much a well known bug with Windows Mobile period. Unfortunately.

My GSM WM devices NEVER did this. I've owned many HTC phones before (tornado, Wizard, SMT5600, Hermes, etc...) ranging from WM2003, WM5, and WM6... and NONE of them randomly turned on like this. This is my first CDMA WM phone, and I thought there was something wrong with it because WM does not normally do that.

Now I see that not only is this "normal" for the Titan, its normal for the 6700 too!! What's up with that? Are all CDMA WM phones like this? Is it something to do with CDMA? This is messed up, and can in no way be due to Microsoft's software because as I said, real GSM devices don't do this...

Maybe its the way Sprint implements the software? Or does the Verizon version of the 6700 do this too?
All CDMA WM devices that I've seen do it.
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