Originally Posted by chronster
i bought one version of pocket shield so does that mean i'll have access to future versions?
Maybe I confused you, sorry about that.
Your purchased version of PocketShield will always be licensed to you, including future versions of it. However, since you've purchased it, you could also request for this (ICR) to be integrated in their next version of PS by posting on their
The next thing is, I am personally looking to purchase another piece of software called PhonEx by
Iconsoft. PhonEx is about to release a new version 1.3 which works very well with PocketShield. The reason why I like PhonEx is because it is a dialer (like HTC dialer) but finger friendly and very fast and because PocketShield will work well with it. Now, what I was saying earlier was that before buying PhonEx, I am going to email those guys and ask them to integrate this ICR into their next version before they release it.
This way, I can have ICR on PSPS (the skin provided by PocketShield) and also on PhonEx when I buy it.