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Old 03-10-2009, 09:38 PM
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Re: [March 9th, 2009 @ 2:17pm] WeaponRom v1.14 Sprint\Verizon

Originally Posted by xweaponx View Post
Much gratitude goes to these people...

eRice - for his first kitchen which allowed me to tinker
Calkulin - for his superbly easy to use base kitchen which I use currently
CMonex - We all know what she has done...
Tsowen - for his terrific taskbar files and thread on taskbars
Cozboogie - my commander in chief
Juggalo_X - His roms inspired me to begin creating my own
Showaco - For his insight in manipulating Mode9 files which really increase manila's shine!
FormerPalmOS - My speedy rom wouldn't be speedy without his knowledge & tuned XIP...
The other developers & chefs - for providing PPCGeeks with fantastic, recently updated & well supported roms and maximizing the real benefit of our devices...
Merdinh - who volunteered assistance & files for resolving the battery issue.
Blkr00t - My lead beta tester
Xboxmod - His manila HD provided the base for my manila
Redbull - for giving me "wings" while cooking
Mom - mom's get thanks for everything...
Update 3/1/09:


I will keep this first page extremely simple. I am limited in graphics ability and time so I will not prepare a visual wonder of artistic talent that includes screenies, build info, etc. Simply download the rom and try it. If you like it, great. If not then revert back to your preferred rom of choice.

After all, it's free.

Please note: It is not my intentions to make any of you my beta testers and in saying so I apologize now for any errors, freezes, crashes, fires, divorces, etc that my rom causes. If a daunting amount of time elapses between releases, its because I rigorously test the rom over and over and over and over... and over. My goal is to provide a complete, viable, functional and appealing rom made right here in the USA. Keep in mind that I am not a master rom developer like the others; I am merely resourceful in creating a silk wrapped lump of coal.


Opera 9.5 Build 15954

If you have trouble with Opera displaying flash or it continues to view pages in mobile view, try this:

"• If you want to disable the redirection to the mobile version of a webpage, go to User Agent -> Spoof User Agent ID -> and set to 2. Also go to User Prefs -> Custom User Agent -> and press Default, to make this blank.

• User Prefs -> Notify about done download -> enable (notifies you when a download is finished)

• User Prefs -> Turbo Mode -> enable (draws images instantly)

• User Prefs -> Automatic RAM Cache -> enable (didn't notice any difference, but it sounds good)" (by barty22 @XDA)

From this post:


All carriers other than Sprint will not ship with MMS. I suggest you install your own version that works best for you.


OS CE 20764 Build 20764.1.4.3
XIP - FPOS 21018/20764 combination

(1/20/09) v1.10 - 81mb

(2/26/09) v1.11 - 83mb

(3/1/09) v1.12 - 79mb
Alternate mirror (Thanks to gabriel925fm )

(3/4/09) v1.13 Sprint - 79mb
(3/4/09 v1.14 Verizon - Verizon_30909.rar
(3/4/09 v1.14 Alltel - Awaiting Revision

OS CE 21018 Build 21018.1.6.0 (Thanks goes to Merdinh who graciously volunteered his SYS/ROM...
XIP - FPOS 21018

(3/0/09) v1.14 Sprint - Sprint_30909.rar
Notes for v1.14 Release:

Upgraded? 21018/21018

Sprint Arcsoft (Thanks Jaminmc)(Confirmed working; Sent & recieved pics from Fuze owner)
cleanRAM v1.0.6
Java 20081203.2.1
S2U2 v1.52 (with included files to match home screen)
Incall Screen Tweak v1.0.4 (Thanks GoodGets)
Added tweaks to Opera to display flash like desktop
Revised dialer with some new matching graphics
Web Video Downloader v1.1.0

a. I created a shortcut for S2U2 on bottom left softkey. I didnt want to put it in Startup folder and slow down initializing.
b. I also added Reset to Start Menu as well.

Personally I dont think 21018 is as fast as 20764 but I do like its overall system speed and reliability and I am going to stick with it.
Sweet rom! Great job-just flashed it to my TP. Nice, love the amount of memory. I load alot of things I use for personal and for work. Again GREAT JOB!!
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