Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L
Originally Posted by zikronix
Ok so here is finially my Full color slider and landscape that I have been working looking for some different icons on some but heres a start. I created this explicitly for mighty rom...but if they move it they move it.
This slider set was designed on a lil rico midnight blue slider and extra tabs. It works on my phone it works on my buddies phone but i make no guarentees. This is the first time ive done something like this so i hope it works out. In theory it should actually install the extra tabs, and then you can enable them if you wanted. If you dont have the blue slider installed it should still work. Also the manilla's are not compressed. I ran into problems when they were compressed.
And before any one asks. That is Spinich in my hand that looks like doja but it is indeed frozen spinich
And many thanks to dagnasty for getting me hooked on the ppc world....this is my first ppc phone.
Here are some pictures:
Some slight changes not shown here with the messenger icon. There are three files
Full Color LandScape and Portrait:
Full Color LandScape Only:
Full Color Portrait Only:
If i can get confirmation about compression of these files not screwing with manilla i will compress them as it will speed it up quite a bit.
So I have compressed the manillas on my phone and havnt seen any adverse affects yet. Ill try it for a few days and go from there.