Originally Posted by k_semler
ROMs: Depending on the phone, anywhere between 70MB and 180MB when compacted into a *.nbh file and the installer.
Applications/Games: Often less then 1MB. Frequently under 512KB. Only graphics intensive games, (Duke 3D Full, Call of Duty 2), or complex applications, or office suites are multiple megabytes in size, (Softmaker Office 2008 is a 15MB *.cab)
WM Themes, (customised bar color and today screen): Between 15-65KB.
Text files: Depends on how much you type. 1 character of text is 1 bit. 8 bits is 1 byte, 1024 bytes is 1 kilobyte.
PDF files: Anywhere between 150KB-150MB, depending on content.
Thank you very much! This gives me some idea of what I should expect. I took a break from working on the design (I find that to be the most intensive part of any project) to work on the framework some more. I got a
very rough draft of the download details page together so I could format it. I figured I'd throw up a screen shot to give everyone an idea. It's probably going to massively change in the next couple hours as I begin coding it, though.
The good news is that I still remember how to work with databases! Right now I'm not having any problems retrieving the data (and I've got a sample set of 1500 records running smoothly) so that part should be a cinch. The only snag I'm running into is that I've got way too many good ideas and not enough ways to implement them. So again, I return for advice!
I was hoping to include a membership system on the site, that would allow authors to track downloads for each file they upload, as well as track every upload an individual makes. Then display all the statistics on a user profile page. It would basically provide general information, with the main dish being statistics (showing every upload ever made, the number of times each has been downloaded, etc).
The only problem with that is I've never been good with sessions coding (the backbone of a membership system), so I've been having a hard time getting it done. That may be the last item I work on, or I may release it as a patch once the site is running...
Along with the aforementioned qualities, the main reason I want it is so every author gets credit where it's due.
So, do you guys think that the above system is a must have before the site is released, or is it just something that would be nice to have when I get off my butt and re-learn sessions? :P
Here's the screenshot I mentioned, and remember, it's a rough draft. It looks like crap right now.
Edit: More previews, comments.
Upload Page Preview
Upload Success Preview
Download Page Preview
Profile Page Preview
Key Features?
* Up to 5 screenshots available to be uploaded and displayed per project.
* Randomly assigns a unique name to each of the 5 screenshots and project file, so as to eliminate overwriting (I think I've made it impossible now, the filenames are a combination of first the timestamp it was uploaded (1236736097 in the screenshot) and then a random number from 1-2,147,483,647 added after that (1705949988 in the screenshot).) Each file is pulled from the database by a unique id so we never have to hassle with those 20+ digit file names. :P
* Calculates file size and converts to MB. This is approximate (bytes / 1,048,576) but it's better than nothing!
* Uses the server timestamp to post the upload date.
* Minimalistic design loads fast on Sprint's EVDO. Maybe I should leave it the way it is, lol. I'll still spruce it up, though... (If you didnt look, it looks like crap!)
Bad Features
* Current test server has a hard cap of 8 MB per file, which is set by a PHP file that affects the entire server. Not sure how this is going to work with the way I'm going to run it on live, as the files won't be stored on the same server as the site. Will investigate!
* No upload progress bar. (Also PHP issue -- working on it, though.)
* I still suck with sessions.
More updates to come....
Edit 2:
I don't suck at sessions as much, got the framework of a membership coded. It's now 1:23 AM and I have to be at work @ 10 AM so I think I'm going to sleep now. My how time flies.
Will keep you posted of progress... not too much more work to be done!