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Old 08-19-2007, 12:22 PM
z1adonis's Avatar
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I have to agree that disabling the incoming beams does make a difference, at least in my case. Since I owned my mogul, I have always used my bluetooth 100%. I used to get about 24-30 hours before it would be completely dead. it was not until my wife was wanting to know how to use the beam function that I enabled my incoming beams. Since about that time of not uninstalling my beams, my phome would not last more than about 15 hours at best before needing a recharge from consistent moderate use including 100% bluetooth useage. I recently uninstalled the beams and after the same usage, my phone is only down to 70% of battery left after 24 hours. It may be to 60% after this post. I am not saying that everyone's mogul will react the same but in my case, the incoming beams being enabled made a big difference on battery life.
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