Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L
Mighty Mike,
I was thinking of creating a sort of FAQ for Mighty Rom that perhaps we could add to one of the first posts, so that way new people or even people looking for certain things won't have to scour hundreds of pages to find an answer or risk losing them when they archive them. I have a lot of the physical files on my hard drive that have been posted here, like Nimdock's white battery etc etc. Whats the limit of attaching files to a post ? Do you think this is feasible ? I don't mind taking the time to gather all of the info. Maybe post the registry edits people have posted too... What do you think ?
Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v
My Custom R3BORN/MR5 TF3D mods- [HERE]
My MR5 Review
VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09