Re: Zagg Invisible shield real world review
Got my 2 shields the other day. I purchased a spare. The 2 boxes came in a mail wrap. I noticed that the inside of the mail pack was wet as well as the packing slip and the 2 boxes inside. I didn't know why this was until I got home and realized that in one of the boxes the liquid leaked out of the spray bottle that comes with the shield. I applied one of the shields an hour ago. Applied pretty easily once you get the shield wet with the spray. You can slide it around until you get the perfect alignment.The first time took me about 5 minutes, from opening the package to application. The second time took me a couple of minutes. I removed it after I squeegied it on because I wanted the alignment to be more perfect. I could feel that the shield wanted to stretch as I started to remove it so I applied more of the liquid and it came off pretty easily. I reapplied it and it fits perfectly. The shield is alittle tacky and as described earlier, the stylus wants to dig into the shield. This is not enough reason for me to give up the shield though. The shield appears to have a texture to it which may be one of the properties that makes it scratchproof. The tackyness and spongy feeling may dissipate with time. Only time will tell regarding the resistance to scratches .After trying the boxwave shield which showed scratches from the stylus after only an hour or so, I am looking forward to seeing the resistance of the ZAGG protector to scratching. It has only been on for an hour or so but I like this shield. The clarity is excellent. Really nice product as long as it resists scratching. I will keep you posted to that and its other properties. I will call ZAGG regarding the liquid leaking out of the spray bottle.
Last edited by Biker1; 03-09-2009 at 03:18 AM.