Originally Posted by jmorton10
Why is everybody so worried about this??
AS doesn't affect your battery life enough to even notice??
I'm not so sure about that. I definitely notice that my battery lasts longer when I disable active sync as outlined in these instructions: I recall this was a major battery saver on the Mogul.
This worked for me...good luck.
1. Close ActiveSync "entirely" (use dotFred's task manager or whatever suits you)
2. Open up dotFred's task manager and go to "Notifications" (the top right arrow)
3. Delete everything in there EXCEPT the one with the argument "AppRunAfterRndisFnDetected" Close task manager after this.
4. Open up ActiveSync, click Menu --> Add Server Source.
5. Enter any email, and UNTICK "attempt to detect..........". Press next.
6. Server address: Press next.
7. Enter anything you want for username, password, and domain. Leave the "save password" option ticked. Press next.
8. UNTICK all four options, then press finish.
9. Close ActiveSync "entirely"
10. Open up ActiveSync again. Press menu --> Schedule.
11. Set both peak times and off-peak times to manual.
12. Close activesync
13. Start --> Settings --> Under "Personal" tab, choose "Phone"
14. Under "Services" tab, choose "Time Synchronization" and click Get settings
15. Untick, then press ok.
These instrutions aren't mine but are posted here somewhere.