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Old 08-18-2007, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieRich777
Ok... So far so good! Thank you for the help. Contact Manager now works & so does Live search... I'd prefer to link AIM to the SMS button if I can but...

I may have to hard reset because my phone is running really slow & doing some weird things. I have a ton of things I really dont want to lose but my battery is going dead in only a few hours with little use. Is there something out there I can get to save my contacts & may be ever a few other things like ring tones?

Also my slide2unlock seems to work when it wants to, is there a special way to launch it?
About AIM... just link that file to AIM use the iconfig program in Start\Programs

use outlook or outlook express to backup your contacts... to back up your ringers just pull the files and copy them to your PC (\Windows\Rings)

Slide2Unlock you just need to make sure ilock.exe is in your \Windows\StartUp and you shoudl be set... if you want to make sure check the registry

HKCU\Software\AC\Slide2Unlock\CloseApp and make sure that value is 0 this keeps the program in memory yes it will eat some up but it will allow slide2unlcok to work faster, smoother and more reliable
If someone helps ya them!