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Old 03-08-2009, 04:42 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

I have seen the extended battery on EBay for sale (3000mah) that comes with a custom back panel to hold that bad boy in. Has anyone used it/tried it and if so could I please see a screenshot with it in so I can see the comparison of the thickness. I know the Pro is a brick as it is and I for one am ok with that since all my previous phones have been bricks.

There are a few reasons I am hesitant on getting it. I was told two OEM batteries will give longer usage than the one big one. It would be less of a pain to swap out two OEM batteries than swapping the back panel and the battery every time you run out of juice.

The other reason is because I have not found a case or shield for the Pro with an extended battery. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. If someone has come across one please link me as I think it would probably be my deciding factor for purchasing the E.B. or atleast play a far greater role in weighing out my decision.

Thanks everyone.
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